I am 29 years old married to such an amazing man
I couldn't have gotten any luckier! My little one Nathan is the coolest kid
I cant wait to give him a sister or brother! Family comes first always! That includes the friends that I adopted as my family way back when you all know who you are (; I was a career woman and now I am a stay at home mom and taking on the hardest job I have ever had! BUT I LOVE IT! I love being challenged and usually succeed due to my
determination. I am loyal and loving I have changed allot in the past 8 years.
Life has not been easy but has made me who I am today
Sensitive and vulnerable to life and all the beauty in it. Real and true to myself and those around me. I believe in god I know that all the blessings in my life are because of him.
"I expect to pass through this world but once any kindness that I can share I will do it now for I shall not pass this way again."
What? No mohawk? Mommy is a party pooper! He would look cute no matter what.
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